The Love Styles Test is a personal inventory that allows you to measure and understand how you like to give and receive love in romantic relationships. It measures a concept similar to the five love languages, which was developed in the 1990's by psychologist and marriage counselor Dr. Gary Chapman, but with some key improvements based on Truity's empirical research.
Dr. Chapman pioneered the idea that we each have individual styles in the way we show love, and that having a style that does not match your partner's can cause misunderstandings and dissatisfaction in relationships. Our 2022 research, using a dataset of over 500,000 volunteers, demonstrated that Dr. Chapman's idea of love languages was valid, however the specific ways we show love have shifted to a more equitable, relational focus. Thus, Truity developed the 7 Love Styles, to reflect the seven areas we discovered were most important in modern relationships.